Premium Animal Bedding for Small-Animals and Reptiles
We supply specially developed bedding products of the highest quality for professional bedding of animals. To ensure neutral environment, a consistently good and hygienic level of quality take top priority during the manufacturing of our products. Accordingly, our softwood shavings are subject to the highest of quality requirements.
We also supply high-quality beechwood granulates which are especially aligned to the needs of reptiles, many species of bird and demanding small animals.
Our bedding products are made from regional wood which is controlled for residues, and are carefully dried via technical drying. A special air separation process guarantees an extremely dust-free product. With this mechanical process of separation, excessive
dust is also separated via air stream and the proportion of dust is reduced to a minimum. The dust-free product protects the sensitive respiratory organs of the animals and provides for a natural and hygienic environment.
We will be pleased to advise you on our products’ many possible areas of use!
Premium Animal Bedding for Small-Animals and Reptiles
Thomsen DeLuxe Bedding ”LAB.BED” (Wood Chips made from Spruce-, Poplar-, Espen Wood)
for small-animals,
– available in a variety of grain sizes
untreated whole wood granulate from barked spruce-, poplar- or espen wood, exceptionally absorbent, very low in dust, free from heavy metals and pesticides
Suitable for storage and hygienically packaged – optionally available in autoclavable woven polypropylene bags or in big bags
Thomsen DeLuxe Bedding ”REP.BED” (Wood Chips made from Beech Wood)
for dry terrariums and bird aviaries,
– available in a variety of grain sizes
natural non-treaded beechwood chips, outstandingly absorbent, hygienic, technical dried, free of dust
Suitable for storage and hygienically packaged – in polybags à 15kg or 25kg or in BigBags